Someday, maybe all the men on earth will look out for one another, like I do now.
My point for all these words is that conspricy thinking is only there to confuse your mind.
I speak truthfully when I say if you remove all negitive thinking patters you'll be able to see clearly.
I see clearly, believe it or not I do. I see that somewheres around 98.5% of all consparicy theories have something else because factual consparicies as the root system. Some people have a motive for preaching such lies. Some people are using it as antiagenda, some are just crazy and think consparicies are keeping them "out of the loop" or what ever.
When you see clearly, there is no consparicy for you see the lies and the truth.
I guess, my attempts at getting you and others to see this is just that I care for you all personally. As I've said before, I know there is nothing I can do. That doesn't mean I don't want to try to help you all acchieve far more then you're going to heading down the false paths you all seem obsessed with. It's kinda pointless being that I'm not to be believed in any of this, but that doesn't make it the truth.
I guess I should try to care less? I should go busy myself until you all underachieve?
Maybe I'm an over achiever...
That's all.
Functions Of Endpoint Detection And Response
4 days ago