Sunday, May 10, 2009

What is Zenith? (Part 2)

...Our food, water, and air will also be used to implement their drugs and weapons. I was recently introduced to “Zenith” from a stranger’s confession in my church, and have run across Zenith far too often for coincidence. Zenith could be Illuminati code-word for when the Mayan calendar ends in 2012, and society will reach it’s highest point ever, and all the world will unite in celebration of the New World Order, crashing society into a desolate future.
The people of Earth will willingly embrace something they do not fully understand and in this final hour, Zenith will take on its true purpose and seize the minds and bodies of all humans. This will be executed from poisons, drugs, nano bots and weaponized genes that are being slowly distributed throughout the medical community, drug community, water and food supply years before in preparation for Zenith. Zenith is the end of days for everyone. I'm just not sure whether it is a natural organic process spawning from thousands of years of fear and war, or just a metaphor used by the cult behind Zenith.

This website is a prime example of what I am talking about:

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What is Zenith? (Part 1)

Simply Put: there is a global conspiracy to slowly bring control over all aspects of human existence into the hands of the sociopathic elite of who are commonly referred to as, “The Illuminati“. This secret society, made up of free masons and elite banking families are about to bring their plan for a New World Order to fruition.

I'm quite certain they will use three main systems of control: Genetics, Medicine and Drugs, Economic Manipulation and False Flag Operations. Within these systems, all mainstream media including TV, Newspapers, Online Publications, movies and radio all have a thick coat of propaganda and are owned and controlled by members of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderberg Group. These systems are vital in order to keep the entire world distracted, misinformed and dumbed down...

(More to come)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Iran Warns Of Bilderberg Plot To Plunge World Into Total Chaos

Iran’s official news agency IRNA is warning today of a Global plot hatched by a ‘secret society of Freemasons’ known as the Bilderberg Group to plunge our World into ‘total chaos’ in order to destroy all religions and independent Nations in order to establish a planetary wide single system of government.
American dissident researchers writing about the Bilderberg Group further warn that this organization is, in fact, a ‘shadow government’ having great power over all of the World’s governments and that its meetings are banned by US propaganda media organs from reporting on them to their citizens.
Russian intelligence reports on the Bilderberg Group state that it is one of the six German Nazi based ‘Illuminati’ governed organizations that comprise what is loosely referred to as the Round Table that seeks total Western control over our entire Earth and its resources and has been directly responsible for both World War’s I and II, and which have left over 500 million dead in the past 80 years alone.
In our December 12th report titled “Council On Foreign Relations Warns Of United States Collapse By Summer, 2009”, we had reported on one of the other members of this Round Table wherein Russian Foreign Ministry sources had warned about these groups agenda for our World and which includes:
Global manipulation of the prices of oil, natural gas, zinc, iron ore, nickel, copper, platinum, gold, corn, wheat and rice to ‘stratospheric heights’ to be immediately followed by their, likewise, engineered collapse.
Manipulation of the Global economy through the flooding into financial systems of ‘unlimited’ credit to be immediately followed by an engineered contraction of the money supply thereby collapsing the entire World’s banking system to leave the West’s powerful Central Banks as the sole survivors, and defacto owners of the West’s industrial output.
Dissolution of the North American and European Nation States which are then to be ‘reformed’ into ‘Global Trading Blocs’ centrally governed by unelected emissaries to a new ‘One World’ governing body.
The ‘forced destruction’ of all other Nation States on Earth, to include, Russia, China, the Middle East, South and Central America and Africa, whereupon they too will be able to become a part of the ‘new’ One World ruling structure.
The forced relocation of the Earth’s entire population into urban ‘environments’, with the United States, Canada and Mexico to be the first Nations to implement this policy among its citizens, by ‘force’ if necessary.
Though there are growing signs that the American people are beginning to awaken from their decade’s long slumber which has seen their freedoms and economic power stolen from them by these insidious power blocs, it may be ‘too little’ and ‘too late’ for them to reverse their catastrophic plunge into the abyss, and as we can read as reported by the World Tribune News Service in their report titled “Doomsday: U.S. report warns of 'strategic shock' leading to massive unrest”, and which says:
Reports from the United States are showing that their War Leaders are heeding these warnings as the US Military is preparing to unleash upon its citizens another 11,500 American Troops that they say will protect their Nation upon their new President’s inauguration.
Being lost upon these American people, however, is that the Military Forces they will soon be confronting are not there to protect them, but are instead being deployed to protect the ruling American elite classes who have robbed their people of their entire wealth and intend to leave them as nothing more than economic slaves and prisoners in their vast urban concentration camps and vast prison network which has made them the most jailed people our World has ever known.
What is feared most by these American War Leaders is that their citizens will awaken to the plans being made for their slavery like the peoples in Greece who are now violently engaged against these Western monsters in order to free their Nation from its planned destruction.
Russian Military Experts state in their reports that unlike Europe, the Middle East or the Eastern Nations of the World, the American people are not expected to rise up in mass against their planned destruction as their physical and mental states have been nearly totally destroyed by the forced drugging of them through their genetically modified foods, fluoridated water and psychotropic medical supplies, all of which are based upon eliminating these peoples as serious threats as they have become the most obese, most depressed and most mind controlled human beings our World has ever seen.
As astonishing as it is to believe, it is nevertheless true that the American people remain the only peoples on our entire Earth who still do not know that microwave prepared foods have all of their nutrients destroyed leading to obesity and diabetes, that the Aspartame ingredient contained in all of their diet foods and drinks to ‘control’ their obesity is outlawed in nearly every other Nation on Earth as it is nothing more than a poison, and that the violent video games they buy for their children have all been funded by their Military to overcome in these young minds the strongest human taboo there is….killing another human being.
But, to the greatest danger of all facing these people is their belief that warnings such as this one are the ‘conspiracy’, instead of their knowing that the truest, and darkest, conspiracies are those of their own government and propaganda media organs who continue to tell these deluded people not to listen to anyone other than them as they lead these poor souls into the pits of their final destruction.